The Lexicon Analysis of Pulau Tello and Gunungsitoli Dialect In Nias
Lexicon Analysis, Gunungsitoli, Nias, DialectAbstract
This research entitled Lexicon Analysis on Tell and Gunungsitoli Islands: Social Dialect Studies aims to analyze the similarities, changes, and differences in the form of the lexicon and to determine the matrix language in the use of the Nias language along with the speech levels used by the people of Tello Island and Gunungsitoli, especially the existing Nias students Ekasakti University Padang. The method used in this research is qualitative and quantitative with descriptive type, namely describing shape and form and calculating the percentage comparison between Tello Island and Gunungsitoli dialects obtained from the transcription of interview data. The data obtained are in the form of dialect vocabulary of the Nias language. The data collection technique used is the observation technique using the interview method and then transcription is carried out, so that the data can be analyzed according to the research instrument. The theory used in this research is the theory of lexicon, dialect, and matrix language. The results of the analysis show that GN is the dominant dialect (ML) and PT is the contributing dialect (EL) with the percentage level on the lexicon of the same form same meaning at 61.69%; the lexicon of forms changed the same meaning at 8.65%, and the form lexicon with different form same meaning at 28.5% between PT and GN. The same, changes and differences in form between Tello Island and Gunugsitoli dialects in Nias are caused by geographical conditions which are the main cause.
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