indexed in SINTA (No. SK : 30/E/KPT/2019)
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Langue and Parole

Title: Jurnal Ilmiah Langue and Parole
ISSN: 2581-0804 (cetak)
E-ISSN: 2581-1819 (online)
Language: English (preferred), Indonesia
Indexed at: SINTA, PKP Index, Google Scholar, Zenodo, OpenAIRE,, Onesearch, GARUDA, BASE, DRJI, ResearchBib, Copernicus, Neliti, Worldcat, Crossref, Dimensions, Scilit, Core
Language Variations Used PUBG Mobile Player By Tamy E-Sport Community In Lubuk Basung
Abstract views: 940 times |
Downloaded: 288 times
Code-Switching Used In Judges’ Utterances of Masterchef Indonesia Season 7 Grand Final Episodes
Abstract views: 506 times |
Downloaded: 249 times
Language Change and Social Context in Mass and Social Media
Abstract views: 1277 times |
Downloaded: 638 times
Analysis of The Meaning of Sylvia Plath’s Poems Which Reflected To Her Life and Death : A Language Stylistics Analysis
Abstract views: 1222 times |
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The Struggle of Matchmaker To Find Love As Seen In Jane Austen’s Emma
Abstract views: 572 times |
Downloaded: 219 times
The Analysis of Politeness Strategies in Directive Utterance as Found Among English Department Students at Dharma Andalas University
Abstract views: 517 times |
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Retorika Dalam Pidato Surya Paloh
Abstract views: 734 times |
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Figurative Language In Secondhand Serenade A Naked Twist In My Story Album
Abstract views: 577 times |
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Analisis Struktur Kepribadian Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Senja, Hujan, dan Cerita Yang Telah Usai Karya Boy Chandra
Abstract views: 769 times |
Downloaded: 351 times