Appreciation of poetry in indonesian subjects Through songs to increase student ability at the Fifth grade students at sd negeri 10 koto jua
appreciation of poems, songsAbstract
In the Indonesian Language Lesson
(GBPP) signs relating to literary teaching it is
mentioned that (1) Language learning needs to
pay attention to the principles of teaching,
among others, which are easier than those things
that are close to distant, from simple to complex
, From the know to the unknown, from the
concrete to the abstract, (2) The literary learning
is intended to enhance the students' ability to
appreciate literature closely related to the
practice of sharpening feelings, reasoning and
imagination, and sensitivity to society, culture
and environment , And (3) The selection of
literary material is associated with the theme. If
teachers have difficulty in getting the material
according to the chosen theme then the learning
materials sasrta may not be in accordance with
the theme presented. This is related to the
purpose of class V, ie students are able to read
literary works with pengahayatan and understand
the various ways of expressing feelings and ideas
in the literary work. The learning of poetry
appreciation that is taught in SDN 10 Koto Jua
starts class I, is one of sasrta learning material
that is more difficult and causes more problems
than the appreciation of other literary works
(Prosa) Learning poetry appreciation that should
be very fun even become boring specter And
frightening, both for teachers and students,
Teachers who tend to teach the appreciation of
poems in bits and pieces, with materials that are
adapted to the level of kirang student
development and using an approach that is not
dipdukan with empathy aspects of language
skills (listening, speaking and writing) Will
cause the students unconditioned learning poetic