Intellectual property and intelligence with Learning result of educational languages of islamic Education (pai) learners in smkn 4 padang
relantionship, intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligenceAbstract
The purpose of this study is to know: 1)
The relationship of intellectual intelligence with
learning outcomes of learners in SMKN 4
Padang. 2) Relationship of emotional intelligence
with learning outcomes of learners in SMKN 4
Padang. 3) The relationship of intellectual
intelligence and emotional intelligence together
with the learning outcomes of learners in SMKN
4 Padang. This research is a type of field
research (field research). The nature of this study
is quantitative. Variables are everything that will
be the object of research observation. Population
is the amount that is on the object or subject
studied that includes all the characteristics or
properties possessed by the object or subject it.
The population in this study were students of
class XI SMKN 4 Padang Year Teaching
2015/2016 which amounted to 457 people. The
sample is "part of the number and characteristics
possessed by the population". The sample is the
partial or representative of the population under
study. Data collection techniques that the authors
use in this study is to use standardized test
instruments. Data processing techniques used in
this study is a statistical data processing
techniques using correlational analysis
techniques and assisted by using SPSS 20.0 for
windows. Based on the results of research and
discussion in Chapter IV it can be concluded as
follows: 1) Proven relation Intellectual
intelligence to the results of learning PAI
students class XI SMKN 4 Padang because r
count 0.388> r table 0.195. 2) Proven relation of
emotional intelligence relate to result of learning
PAI student of class XI SMKN 4 Padang because
r count 0,226> r table 0,195. 3) There is proven
intelligence relationship intelligence and
emotional intelligence simultaneously to the
results of learning PAI students class XI SMKN
4 Padang because r count 0.389> r table 0.195.