Improving students ability in counting multiple with Things around on math lesson of fourth grade Students in odd semester no.33 gurun panjang Kecamaatan koto xi tarusan


  • Amril Amril



multiplication, media nearby attractions


Low mastery of the ability to calculate
multiplication in pe, the lesson is due to less
precisely the model of learning and media
used. So students become inactive, easily bored,
and less attention to teacher
explanations. Therefore to improve the
multiplication counting ability Required model
of learning with appropriate media. One of them
is the model of learning by using the media
objects nearby.
Based on the results of a daily test of
mathematics lessons on multiplication
multiplication shows that less successful
learning. In the case according to the teacher's
information in the daily learning has been
explained orally, have been given examples, and
even have been given the questions of practice
and provide opportunities to students To ask, but
they did not take advantage of the
opportunity. This study aims to improve the
ability to calculate multiplication fourth grade
students of the first semester of S D Foreign
N o. 33 Long Desert Sub Koto XI Tarusan.
South Coastal District with total students
49 children, 25 children and 24 children Students
daughter male student. The data in this study
were obtained from interviews, questionnaires,
observation results of action, and evaluation
results. This study was conducted in two
cycles. Each cycle is done based on the stages:
Prepare an action plan, Implement
action, Observation, and Analysis followed by
The results showed that according to the
results of observations of researchers on preaction is in students less active learning, easy to
saturate, and pay attention to students on teacher
explanation is very small. In the first cycle-1 of
the mastery of the material before the learning is
given 31%, after the activity takes place students
activeness shows: active students 58%, students
are 30%, and 12% passive students. Student
cooperation: active students 62%, students are
28%, and passive students 10%. While the result
of average evaluation 68 with students complete
33 students and not complete 16 students.Hasi l-2 action in cycle action sebelun material
penguasan 48%. After the action is done student
activity: active students 78%, students are 18%
and 4% passive students. Student cooperation:
active students 84%, students are 14%, and 2%
passive students. Evaluation result Average 76
students complete 46 complete students and 3
students not yet completed. Based on the above
results kan It can be concluded that learning with
the nearest media objects can improve the ability
to calculate multiplication, increase student
activity, and increase student cooperation in
completing group tasks. Learning becomes
enabling so students are not easily saturated


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How to Cite

Amril, A. (2017). Improving students ability in counting multiple with Things around on math lesson of fourth grade Students in odd semester no.33 gurun panjang Kecamaatan koto xi tarusan. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Scholastic, 1(1), 134–144.